Musings from David Norfolk, Practice Leader for Development & Governance.
InterSystems is worthy of more attention
Accepted testing practices and techniques aren't adequate for the system complexity we anticipate after the Mutable inflection point.
Some thoughts on Business Continuity, prompted by a new iland survey
Uniface 10 for all Uniface developers is released.
Development of apps for the Mutable Business is probably going to be declarative, without coding, if businesses are gong to take control.
The Mutable Enterprise is just one aspect of an inflection point we will have to journey through in the 21st century.
Verifiable models of business decisions are just as useful as the process models used for model-driven development
Much of business is still running on legacy systems - if you just concentrate on innovation, you may die before it delivers.
The new BMC has streamlined itself and is going after agility and innovation.
Mendix v7 has some useful innovations.