Musings from David Norfolk, Practice Leader for Development & Governance.
Gluster, Ansible and a cloud-based app...
We could be building a new spreadsheet disaster in Shadow IT
"Serverless Architectures" are rapidly becoming popular in Cloud computing (and, some would say, a bit of a religious movement).
Estimating technology savings is all about common sense and scope; although politics can also be a factor.
A CIO must have the authority to challenge the thinking of his/her colleagues (even at Board level), as to the feasibility of delivering disruptive change.
A new version of BS 10012 supersedes the 2009 version, for European Directive (95/46/EC), which was implemented in the UK by the Data Protection Act 1998.
Addressing GDPR for business benefit rather than as a cost
One of my takeaways from IBM Interconnect 2017 is that IBM is taking Blockchain, as a business technology, very seriously.
Can we trust the automated systems in the mutable business to do the right thing? We need "just enough" governance and configuration management
As business becomes more Agile, better managing Risk (such as the GDPR risk) becomes paramount.