Musings from David Norfolk, Practice Leader for Development & Governance.
A BMC survey that should be read by everyone, not just mainframe specialists
Doing more with less only really works in a mature organisation prepared to "spend to save".
The benefits of aiming at versioning everything often outweigh the hassles that the extra discipline entails.
A CMSG survey of ITIL changes up-to-date
A new z mainframe arrives - and I wonder why it still seems to be a specialist choice for many companies
IMS isn't as fashionable as Hadoop, but it's still useful, for the right applications. How often does IT ignore useful tools simply because fashion moves on?
Can you build business systems by copying the model-based simulation approaches used for building embedded automotive systems?
The ISO 27000 standards are a good basis for an Information Security Management System - and an update is expected this year.
Actian exploits its ParAccel, Pervasive Software and Versant Corporation acquisition as two new cloud offerings.
When responding to a malware threat costs more than the threat itself...