Welcome to the Bloor Information Management blog, lead by Philip Howard.
The Internet of Things will require distributed stream-based computing: ParStream is a pioneer in this area.
Rocket Software is just about to launch a data preparation/analytic platform.
Datawatch has launched its Managed Analytics Platform, which brings together data preparation and Panopticon.
Alation can be best thought of as a pre data prep tool: helping users to find the data that's available to them.
SPARQLverse is a new analytic graph database developed by SPARQL City and available from both that company and as part of the Actian Analytics Platform.
BackOffice is moving towards a much more tool agnostic (not just SAP) approach and across the spectrum of data integration/governance functions.
Pitney Bowes' software business has been re-focused and is growing rapidly
Savi is a specialist provider of IoT (Internet of Things) sensor-based analytics.
NuoDB's latest release lets users perform operational analytics on transactional data: seeing what is otherwise invisible (without a data warehouse)
I recently shared a webcast with the CIO of Informatica