Welcome to the Bloor Information Management blog, lead by Philip Howard.
The first in a series of five articles about graph databases
Tokutek provides an interesting alternative to sharding, SSDs or relacement databases if MySQL is running too slowly
The latest version of DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows is now available. Perhaps most interestingly DB2 can now act as a graph store.
Until now there has been no easy, inexpensive and compliant way for banks to share information about "bad people"
You can combine DataStax's distribution of Cassandra on the same cluster as Hadoop
RainStor has just announced support for Hadoop, whereby you can use RainStor partitions within HDFS. This brings a number of advantages.
Informatica has entered the data replication market through the acquisition of WisdomForce
Hive and Hadoop both have poor performance - Pervasive SOftware, with its DataRush technology, is doing something about that
Cloudera has been the default standard for enterprise Hadoop implementation but perhaps not any longer.
It's not just big data, the EDW doesn't work even for structured environments