The accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability. Accessibility covers making all of ICT easier to use by people with disabilities and challenges and how to make peoples lives easier by the use of ICT. Deeper examination of product and supplier matters appear in Peter Abrahams publications and articles for Bloor Research.
Some of things published about GDPR are seriously misleading
GDPR should be considered strategically not tactically
The banks, governments and other institutions tell us the hallmarks of fraudulent communications. So it is madness when they send messages that look fraudulent.
Anaplan compete against the planning tools of the big analytics vendors, its different and possibly superior
TCO should be more important in decision making than either license fees or subscription costs.
There are too many types of self-service tools for business analysts
Guavus - use analytics to determine the real impact of both investments and cuts. Enabling cost savings which do not impair the customer experience !
When two-thirds don't know their I/O profiles or performance requirements, isn't it time to test?
Deepfield are offering a new approach to network analytics for Telcos promises much and delivers business changing insights
IBM and Informatica have both just come out with big data integration and governance products