Bloor Research Chairman Brian Jones delivers address in China

Written By: Jameel Abdul
Content Copyright © 2019 Bloor. All Rights Reserved.
Also posted on: Bloor News

Bloor Research Chairman Brian Jones was invited to address over 1,000 delegates at the state-level Belt & Road Forum for ICT Industry Cooperation in Shanghai, China.

Brian’s keynote was titled ‘Succeeding Internationally in a Rapidly Changing World’, and was an opportunity to introduce an international audience to Bloor’s signature concept – Mutable Business.

Mutable turns the ‘one and done’ technology focus of the digital transformation process implemented by many businesses on its head, and argues that instead, continuing to evolve and being in a permanent state of reinvention is critical for business success.

Brian explored how many traditional business methods aren’t suited to working outside of a domestic market, and that by being Mutable, you are in the best position to succeed internationally.

Bloor Research Chairman Brian Jones delivers address in China

Among the other high-profile speakers at the event were Li Zhaoxing, former minister of Foreign Affairs for the People’s Republic of China; and Alexander Mora, former minister of Foreign Trade for the Government of Costa Rica.

While at the forum, Brian was interviewed by Shanghai TV’s Kanka News, which you can view here.

Brian said: “It was amazing to be part of such a prestigious event, attended by 1,000 people, and supported by so many dignitaries from China and other countries. The Belt and Road initiative is one of the world’s most ambitious programs and ICT is rightly being placed firmly in the middle of it. This kind of multi-point, rapid, change is where Bloor Research and our Mutable Business philosophy and framework plays a unique supporting role and we are delighted to be involved.”

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Bloor Research Chairman Brian Jones speaks on stage