Richard Sykes

Written By: Jameel Abdul
Content Copyright © 2019 Bloor. All Rights Reserved.
Also posted on: Bloor News

All at Bloor are shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and colleague Dr Richard Sykes, who died suddenly at his home in Islington last week.

Richard had worked with Bloor since 2010 as a Strategic Advisor and cloud expert. He was a scientist who applied his considerable intellect to the business of technology, with a clarity of thought and expression, and ideas that were ahead of the curve.

An alumnus of both Cambridge and Yale, Richard was a chemist by profession, before becoming CIO at ICI, where he spent 27 years in a variety of leadership positions, latterly as Group VP for IT. In recent years, he held many roles, including Chair of the Cloud Industry Forum, a judge for the CIO 100, the UK Cloud Awards, the Global Legal Hackathon and more.

A lover of the arts and a tremendous storyteller, Richard was also an Honorary Patron of the Contemporary Art Society, and we will all miss his tales of his many years in business.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to Richard’s wife Penny, his family and friends.