SkandSoft Technologies SETU

Written By: and Jameel Abdul
Content Copyright © 2008 Bloor. All Rights Reserved.

In my research on the RFID Middleware market, I came across a number of vendors that were new to me. In a series of articles, I will provide a short overview of these products. The sixth of these is SkandSoft Technologies.

I was not able to find from any source when SkandSoft Technologies were founded. Their headquarters is in Mumbai, India. They have no other offices in the world. SkandSoft Technologies are a subsidiary of SPANCO Telesystems and Solutions Ltd. Currently they have partnership with a small number of hardware vendors that include: Alien, Checkpoint, FEIG, Intermec, Motorola, Traze and Wavetrend. They also have technical partnerships with both SAP and Sun Microsystems.

SETU (SkandSoft Enterprise Trans-management Unit), which means “bridge” in the Sanskrit language, is an interesting mix of RFID middleware and EAI software. It has been built in such a way that it requires very little coding as much is already configured in the product.

SETU comprises of the SETU Server and Client. The Server is responsible for managing SETU Clients installed in an environment. The Client is responsible for interaction with RFID hardware. The Server can connect to as many as 20 Clients. SETUTM comprises of the following modules:

  • Manage RFID Grid
  • Manage Environment
  • Wal-Mart module
  • DOD module
  • Manage Business Process
  • Associate after writing and
  • Reports

SkandSoft have developed a series vertical solutions based on SETU for the following:

  • Retail Management
  • Heathcare Solutions
  • Airport Management
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Manufacturing

Key findings

In the opinion of Bloor Research the following represent the key facts of which prospective users should be aware:

  • SETU supports EPC RP1.1 with both RP and non-RP readers (ISO and EPC Gen1, Gen2). This unique feature is achieved by converting the conventional reader command sets responses to RP compliant responses.
  • SETU supports all 21 Van der Aalst patterns. This allows users to create and deploy any business process through zero-code configuration screens. By hard coding 60% of all the common functionality of RFID solution directly onto SETU, the balance 20% is for industry specific customization & 20% for Client specific customization.
  • SETU provides a health management module for control of RFID hardware devices. The module is independent of hardware parameters – vendor, frequency, protocol, etc. It also supports SNMP and non-SNMP devices.
  • SkandSoft have Global/ US patent pending on technology that parses data in a common format for a process of multilevel filtering, corroboration and analysis, resulting in the delivering 1% of information to the user.
  • SETU provides integration with Industrial Control and Automation Systems – PLCs, Micro Controllers, and SCADA.