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Data at Rest - What's Changed?

This page shows up to 100 pieces of content which have been tagged Changed (newest at the top):

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The Rise of the Private Data Cloud

Concerns about reliability, security and data sovereignty have meant that some organisations have switched their applications to private clouds.
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Ultipa Graph approaches version 5.0

Ultipa Graph, one of the newer entrants to the graph database space, is approaching its 5.0 version update.
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A eulogy for RedisGraph

Less than five years after its initial release, Redis has announced that RedisGraph will be discontinued. Why?
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Informatica acquires GreenBay

After making an investment in the company back in 2019, Informatica has now announced the acquisition of GreenBay Technologies.
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Netezza Resurrection

IBM have announced a new offering which provides an upgrade path for existing Netezza users who have not already migrated away from that platform.
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Franz Inc. releases AllegroGraph 7.0

Graph database vendor Franz Inc. has released the latest versions of AllegroGraph, and graph visualisation and discovery engine, Gruff.
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SentryOne gets pragmatic

SentryOne has acquired Pragmatic Works Software. This is unusually synergistic and non-overlapping.
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Teradata spins off Starburst

Teradata has announced that it is spinning off the support and development of the Presto SQL on Hadoop engine, into a new company called Starburst Data.
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Graph Update 4: performance, scalability and Neo4j

This article discusses the current and planned features in Neo4j that specifically relate to performance and scalability.
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Whither data governance?

Why is data governance so hot right now?
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Graph update: Ontotext GraphDB

The second in this series of updates discusses recent releases from Ontotext
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Graph update

This is the first of several articles on the graph/RDF (and hypergraph) space. This one is generic, the others will be product/vendor specific.
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Teradata partners with Alation

Teradata will be reselling Alation's Data Discovery product in place of Loom.
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A modern take on master data

Reltio provides analytic applications - think actionable insight - on top of an MDM foundation
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Cray opens EMEA headquarters

Cray sees the convergence of HPC (high performance computing) and big data.
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GraphConnect Europe

GraphConnect is (probably) the largest graph database conference.
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New thinking on spreadsheets

There are some interesting new kids on the block in the spreadsheet world
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S/4HANA and AnyDB

Third party database providers are going to have some difficulty in persuading SAP that they can support S/4HANA
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Comfort zones

Stories are becoming broader and that doesn't necessarily make life easier
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Consolidating graphs and other matters

The graph database market is starting to consolidate. There are also interesting graph and associative database developments
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Whither PIM?

It looks like product information management, at least some of it, is moving beyond the confines of MDM
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EXASOL expands

EXASOL, in addition to introducing version 5.0 of EXASolution, has been expanding overseas.
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SAP has just released version 16 of what used to be Sybase ASE. This release is very much focused on big data for OLTP.
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Neo4j 2.0

In its new release Neo4j has extended its property graphs by including labelling
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Calpont InfiniDB version 4.0

Calpont has released version 4.0 of its warehouse. Major features include extended cloud support and open source licensing plus the ability to run on HDFS.
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What is Actian actually doing? - Why does Actian need so many databases?

Having not even digested Pervasive Software yet, Actian has now acquired ParAccel. Why?
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Is data warehousing holding back the advance of analytics?

I take a look at Pervasive's DataRush, potentially the most disruptive idea in analytics since Bill Inmon told us to build data warehouses.
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DB2: a relational epithet is no longer enough

DB2 now has so many storage engines that it's no longer accurate to simply call it "relational"
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The Full Spectrum of MDM Offerings

The MDM market may have been consolidating recently (with Informatica's purchase of Heiler) but there is now a new entrant. Pitney Bowes...
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It’s a busy time of year

Lots of vendors bring out new releases at this time of year. Here are three of the less obvious but interesting ones in the database/warehousing/analytics space
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HP reverts to type

After Mike Lynch's resignation and 27,000 job cuts at HP do the company's software products have a future?
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Objectivity and InfiniteGraph

InfiniteGraph is a graph database built on top of Objectivity/DB
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Teradata and SAS join forces

Teradata and SAS have jointly launched an appliance. Given their respective positions in the market this is bad news for the competition.
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IBM and DB2 version 10

The latest version of DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows is now available. Perhaps most interestingly DB2 can now act as a graph store.
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Themes for 2012

Some thoughts about may happen next year in the information management space
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IBM and big data: an introduction

IBM probably has the largest portfolio of products covering the big data space
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Exasol knocks the spots off

Exasol has just published 5 TP-H benchmark records, all the way up to 10Tb
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Who will be Snow White?

Six of the new generation of warehousing vendors have been acquired. Is there anything useful to conclude about the companies being bought?
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HP has another go

TDWI annoucements: HP buys Vertica and Kognitio announces Pablo
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Bye-bye Neoview?

Reports suggest that HP is pulling out of HP. Why am I not surprised?
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RainStor partners with Teradata

RainStor and Teradata have announced a data retention appliance that could have a significant impact on the market
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InterSystems and Caché

InterSystems has just released Caché
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IBM acquires Netezza

Good news for IBM; bad news for Oracle - why Bob Evans might just be right
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Dual Loading for Teradata

Informatica has introduced a dual laoding option to support Teradata Active-Active implementations
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The impact of Mark Hurd

Does the departure of Mark Hurd from HP sound the death knell for NeoView?
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And so, it begins …

EMC is acquiring Greenplum - good news for them, bad news for everyone else
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Whither analytics?

What's happening with analytics and what can we expect.
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Sybase and SAP: the unanswered questions

There are major questions about information management in SAP's acquisition of Sybase
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Vertica at TDWI

Verica has announced a major new release, version 4.0
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Making sense of it all 1

Consolidation in the MDM market seems about done
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Calpont finally comes to market

The Enterprise Edition of InfiniDB has been launched and it's pricing is going to hurt
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Columns aren’t enough anymore

Vendors are adding additional features over and above columns to get improved performance but does this mean that they are heading into a niche?
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Trends in MDM

Will the trend towards registries and away from hubs become permanent?
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Data warehousing update

Interesting things going on at Dataupia, Calpont and InfoBright
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Goodbye portability – hello tin

The introduction of Exadata V2 effectively makes Oracle closed and non-portability for high-end systems
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Analytic Warehousing

We have just published our latest report into analytic warehousing. We've called it that because we are interested in environments where there is at least a significant analytic requirement that is...
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Release 2 of the Oracle Database 11g is now generally available on Linux and will be for Windows, UNIX and other platforms in due course. As one might expect there is a lot in it, so I'll pick some...
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The Madison was, of course, a dance. And it's where all those bridges are. But it's also the codename that Microsoft is using for its development of the technology it acquired when it bought...
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Surfing in Hawaii

Kalido has announced the Kalido KONA Information Appliance. Of course, as you will know, Kona is the word for capital in Hawaiian and, since the appliance is based on the Netezza TwinFin, the...
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The warehouse has gone missing – damn!

We will shortly be publishing my latest opus on data warehousing or, rather, on analytic warehousing. More about that when the time comes. But, of course, there's always stuff that you discover...
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Surfing to a warehouse near you

The big news at TDWI this week was the announcement of Netezza TwinFin. Surfers amongst you will know that a twinfin is a surf board with twin fins at the back: they are supposed to be extremely...
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Vertica turns up performance

At TDWI this week, Vertica has announced version 3.5 of its eponymous product. This has two major features: FlexStore and MapReduce. Both of these merit discussion. Vertica is column-based....
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Trends in Master Data Management

MDM and data quality have always been closely aligned but three recent announcements have emphasised that point even more. Each of them involves a larger vendor leveraging the efforts of a smaller,...
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Oracle and Sun: winners and losers

Sun is a hardware company that has, historically, been rubbish at marketing and selling software. Oracle, on the other hand, is very good at selling software but has no experience as a hardware...
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