IBM Impact 2014 – Fytte the First1st May 2014David Norfolk Impact announced its BlueMix PaaS and lots of associated services
Understanding free software in the BPM marketplace - In the BPM market, a number of vendors offer certain parts of their product stack free.31st March 2014Simon Holloway How do these companies use this to generate revenue? To answer this question, you have to understand the licensing model of the "free" software.
Atego Vantage, not just another tool?20th March 2014David Norfolk Atego Vantage is a tool which integrates product line engineering with general systems development
Continuous Engineering8th March 2014David Norfolk IBM Systems Engineering and its take on continuous deliver and DevOps
What is a graph database?18th February 2014Philip Howard The graph database and graph analytics market is increasingly complex and diverse
IBM Watson gets DevOps30th January 2014David Norfolk Watson technology solutions are being deployed using mainstream DevOps processes
In-memory? That’s so yesterday!9th December 2013Philip Howard DB2 BLU doesn't just in-memory techniques but also L3 cache
Thinking the unthinkable6th December 2013David Norfolk IBM has a strong enterprise developer story; but it needs to attract the sort of small developer that may be building the next Facebook.
Making data integration easier26th November 2013Philip Howard IBM has launched Data Click to provide self-service data integration