A quiet revolution30th August 2016Philip Howard Analytics and graphs are appearing in more and more software tools
A modern take on master data13th January 2016Philip Howard Reltio provides analytic applications - think actionable insight - on top of an MDM foundation
Cray opens EMEA headquarters15th June 2015Philip Howard Cray sees the convergence of HPC (high performance computing) and big data.
GraphConnect Europe9th June 2015Philip Howard GraphConnect is (probably) the largest graph database conference.
New thinking on spreadsheets8th June 2015Philip Howard There are some interesting new kids on the block in the spreadsheet world
S/4HANA and AnyDB30th March 2015Philip Howard Third party database providers are going to have some difficulty in persuading SAP that they can support S/4HANA
Comfort zones20th March 2015Philip Howard Stories are becoming broader and that doesn't necessarily make life easier
Consolidating graphs and other matters4th February 2015Philip Howard The graph database market is starting to consolidate. There are also interesting graph and associative database developments
Neo4j 2.017th February 2014Philip Howard In its new release Neo4j has extended its property graphs by including labelling
DB2: a relational epithet is no longer enough8th November 2012Philip Howard DB2 now has so many storage engines that it's no longer accurate to simply call it "relational"