Whatever else is true in development, the importance of version control can't be overestimated. You simply don't want the bugs you've fixed coming back simply because someone implements a new...
A brief look at an interesting but sometimes overlooked business modelling environment which is integrated with practical architecture and data modelling tools and links to open development environments for code genersation/production
The Software Configuration Management (SCM) world is being shaken up by the viral adoption by programmers of Subversion and other Open Source tools, regardless of corporate policy. However, AccuRev offers a process-centric alternative.
Model Driven Development (MDD) tools are often too close to the physical code, although a completely generalised code-independent tool is hard to build. Perhaps Domain Specific Models can offer a better approach to MDD.
OWASP is an open web security project sponsored by Fortify Software. This article is prompted by a visit to Edinburgh in the company of Brian Chess (Founder and Chief Scientist at Fortify) to open a new OWASP chapter.
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