Low-code solutions and the problem of citizen developers3rd November 2016Philip Howard and Daniel Howard Citizen developers can run amok - they need to be governed.
DevOps at the Oval - Development vs. Operations16th June 2016David Norfolk DevOps does not mean NoOps
GDPR: marketing hype overdrive15th June 2016Philip Howard GDPR should be considered strategically not tactically
Is it time for more Systems Thinking in IT - DevOps and IoT, in particular, seem to be all about feedback controlled systems24th March 2016David Norfolk As we move towards Industry 4.0, are radically new ways of thinking about automation needed?
KK at Jenkins UC28th June 2015David Norfolk A chat with Kohsuke Kawaguchi, CTO of CloudBees and founder of Jenkins
Good governance makes you agile30th May 2015David Norfolk If you can measure risk, and determine scope of impact, you can take more risk - because you can manage risk
User experience as an input to development7th May 2015David Norfolk Addition of user experience feedback to the developer experience.
Naming things15th April 2015Philip Howard It's not easy to think of good names for new areas of technology
How outsourcers rip you off16th February 2015Philip Howard Outsources, consultancies, systems integrators - technology laggards and body shops