Just what is risk based testing, anyway?15th December 2016Daniel Howard Ask almost any vendor what they mean by risk based testing and they'll give you a different answer.
Uniface 10 - Now generally available21st September 2016David Norfolk Uniface 10 for all Uniface developers is released.
DevOps at the Oval - Development vs. Operations16th June 2016David Norfolk DevOps does not mean NoOps
High-productivity Software Development11th September 2014David Norfolk High productivity means developing usable business outcomes, productively...
Perforce embraces OSS – in part5th August 2014David Norfolk Perforce has given some of its IP to the OSS community
The new Uniface29th May 2014David Norfolk How things are going now, after Marlin Equity Partners' acquisition of Uniface has had time to bed in a bit.
IBM Impact 2014 – Fytte the First1st May 2014David Norfolk Impact announced its BlueMix PaaS and lots of associated services