InterSystems data technologies - the innovative database platform that you've never heard of3rd November 2016David Norfolk InterSystems is worthy of more attention
Zizo: using a pattern database29th July 2016Philip Howard The first of two blogs discussing Zizo, an analytics vendor. This blog discusses the underlying database.
Deep dive27th April 2015Philip Howard Deep is the latest answer to MySQL scale and performance issues
ParStream and the edge24th April 2015Philip Howard The Internet of Things will require distributed stream-based computing: ParStream is a pioneer in this area.
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others27th November 2014Philip Howard NuoDB's latest release lets users perform operational analytics on transactional data: seeing what is otherwise invisible (without a data warehouse)
Distributing MySQL databases16th October 2014Philip Howard ScaleBase provides the ability to distribute MySQL databases without change to existing applications.
What’s the problem with agile?4th November 2013Philip Howard You need agile data for agile development. Test data management, service virtualisation and agile schema development.