Managing data catalogue proliferation28th November 2017Philip Howard Data catalogues are becoming increasingly popular. Put simply, a data catalogue is a repository of information about a company's data assets ...
TigerGraph26th September 2017Philip Howard TigerGraph is a graph database that has just been formally released. It is targeted at real-time graph analytics.
YAGU31st July 2017Philip Howard Yet another graph update - SQL property graph extensions and IBM Compose supports JanusGraph
Graph update: GRAKN.AI25th May 2017Philip Howard GRAKN.AI offers a knowledge base with a knowledge representation system based on Hypergraph theory.
Data virtualisation: the next generation27th September 2016Philip Howard New approaches to data virtualisation threaten incumbents
Zizo: using a pattern database29th July 2016Philip Howard The first of two blogs discussing Zizo, an analytics vendor. This blog discusses the underlying database.
Teradata introduces Intelliflex22nd April 2016Philip Howard Teradata becomes much more flexible in its scalability options.
NoHow is the antidote to NoSQL28th October 2015Philip Howard Declarative languages are becoming more and more prevalent for NoSQL
Apache Trafodion DBMS - Innovation for Big Data with SQL access to Hadoop.6th October 2015David Norfolk Apache is going to offer a lot more than just Hadoop analytics processing, with a database that can federate OLTP and big data analytics.