Usability and Accessibility of Apple Mac App Store26th January 2011Peter Abrahams The App Store for the Mac makes finding and installing new tools a walk in the park.
Web Accessibility Code of Practice10th January 2011Peter Abrahams The new standard from the British Standards Institute encapsulates the current understanding of best practice in web accessibility.
UK Digital Champion’s report on DirectGov6th December 2010Peter Abrahams Martha Lane Fox recommends more centralisation to improve citizens' experience of e-gov, especially usability and accessibility.
Virtual Assistants improve accessibility2nd December 2010Peter Abrahams Consultancy and software provided by The Virtual Zone create virtual assistants that make site navigation simple for people with disabilities.
Adobe Reader X improves usability and accessibility23rd November 2010Peter Abrahams The new Adobe Reader allows comments to be added to any PDF document (electronically scribbling) - great for the print disabled.
Fix My Web get Feedback from Users16th November 2010Peter Abrahams How to improve the quality of your website, especially accessibility, by making it simple and quick for users to report issues.
Fix The Web Campaign for reporting web accessibility issues29th October 2010Peter Abrahams At last an easy way to complain about inaccessible websites
eAccessibility Plan Launched by UK Government13th October 2010Peter Abrahams Plans to improve public websites, upgrade IT equipment and provide better online content to suit the needs of disabled people were unveiled.
Can anyone use audio CAPTCHA11th October 2010Peter Abrahams Audio CAPTCHA is intended to be an accessibility aid but they appear to be unusable. Do they help anyone?
Past Present and Future of ICT Accessibility - Will accessibility improve over the next five years?28th September 2010Peter Abrahams The article looks at various dimensions of accessibility and attempts to forecast the state of accessibility in 2015.