250 Good News Stories at T4G Award Ceremony10th June 2011Peter Abrahams Technology For Good (T4G), organised by AbilityNet, showcased how technology can be used to support people who are excluded, disabled or disadvantaged
e-Access 11, 28 June, is only a month away23rd May 2011Peter Abrahams This is an event not to miss if you have an interest in e-accessibility.
National Digital 11 conference – digital by default, accessible by default17th May 2011Peter Abrahams 9 million off-liners enticed online by cost, access, skills and motivation. Martha Lane Fox apologises.
The FT Bowen Craggs Web Effectiveness Index includes accessibility checks21st April 2011Peter Abrahams To measure the effectiveness of corporate web sites Bowen Cragg now includes checks for accessibility for people with disabilities.
15 minute website accessibility test6th April 2011Peter Abrahams quick test to ascertain level of website owner commitment to accessibility
Accessible PDF draft standard out for Public Comment6th April 2011Peter Abrahams PDF/UA draft standard ISO 14298 open for BSI public comment
Mac App Store and VoiceOver does work!4th April 2011Peter Abrahams Apple Mac VoiceOver can be used to access the Mac App Store
Searching for Firefox accessibility add-ons21st March 2011Peter Abrahams Finding Firefox add-ons that may improve accessibility is now much easier with tags and collections.
Accessibility issue with Apple Mac App store18th March 2011Peter Abrahams The developers of the Apple Mac App Store forgot about accessibility for the visually impaired.
UK Technology4Good awards launched15th March 2011Peter Abrahams AbilityNet, BT and others have launched the Technology4Good Awards to promote the use of ICT to improve the lives of our communities.