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People-Centric Security - adapt to the real-world needs of workers, partners and customers

Cover for People-Centric Security

By: and Jameel Abdul
Classification: Spotlight

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Taking a people-centric view of security allows controls to be placed around an individual’s data, personal files and applications in a consistent, pervasive manner, regardless of the device they are using, where they are located or what application they are using. It also allows for policies to be set and enforced according to context, such as limiting access to certain applications or functionality when a user is accessing resources from a less secure location that the organisation’s premises, such as from a hotel when travelling. By abstracting security from the network level and placing controls around the user based on a variety of contextual elements, security can be provided in a more granular and consistent manner, and in one that is suited to the fast evolving world of technology delivery.

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