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NHS Technologies - Bloor's Framework for NHS Technology Maturity

Cover for NHS Technologies

By: , , and Jameel Abdul
Classification: Market Review

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This review document is not a conventional Bloor Market Update. It is a survey of available NHS technologies relevant to Bloor’s study of NHS Process Maturity in the context (initially) of Clinical Correspondence and Bloor’s Enhanced Clinical Correspondence Maturity Index (CCMI). Maturity is a question of Process; the understanding of what process you have; institutionalising process and sharing good practice across the organisation; process metrics; continual improvement of process based on key metrics; and, pro-actively managing process. However, process automation is usually key to achieving maturity and keeping it – making process maturity “sticky” – so the choice of technology can be an approximate indicator of process maturity. Although, of course, just buying the right technology doesn’t guarantee maturity, it has to be used in a mature process, but it is unlikely that a high-maturity clinical correspondence process, for example, will use manual dictation and store correspondence in paper archives.

This Report will be of interest to practitioners trying to improve maturity in the NHS and to their managers.

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