Master Data Management Market Update – 2015
By: Andy Hayler and Jameel Abdul
Classification: Market Update
This document provides a snapshot of the current state of the Master Data Management (MDM) market. Master data is data that is shared between computer systems: data such as “customer”, “product”,”location”,”asset”,”contract”,etc. Large organisations have many systems which store such information and the management of multiple and competing de nitions of this data is known as master data management.
The MDM continues to mature, a decade after it began to really be established. Large software vendors have bought their way into the market by acquiring start-up companies, and have integrated these acquisitions with their own technologies, some more successfully than others. Such vendors make a heavy marketing play about the bene ts of their overall platforms of technology, with MDM being just a part. However, independent vendors continue to ourish, selling either on superior technology or ease of use, or by specialising in Note The positioning/scoring of vendors is based on assessments of their standing in the dimensions of: nancial viability, customer base, revenues, growth, technology breadth, technology depth, geographic coverage and scale of partner network, within the Bloor Bullseye methodology. It is important to understand that the overall scores for a vendor are a weighted average of these factors into a summary score, and may not re ect the speci c needs of your project. Some products are more proven at dealing with “customer” than “product”, or vice versa, some are strong at data governance work ow, others weak. You are recommended to discuss your speci c project needs with a Bloor analyst in order to match your needs to a vendor shortlist. a particular data domain (there are a number of vendors that focus on product data, which has a number of speci c issues) or in a particular industry. The market continues to grow at a healthy clip, and is attracting new entrants, both in the form of start-ups and other companies in adjacent spaces either building their own technology from scratch or through acquisition. As MDM approaches its teenage years as a market it is still growing up at a healthy clip.