Microsoft - Further Information
This page shows up to 100 pieces of content (newest at the top):
Generative AI Value & Limitations
Generative AI has many use cases across industries as well as some limitations.
Options for analytic databases and data warehouses (2023)
This Bloor Market Update report is an overview of the current data warehouse database market, assessing the leading vendors.
Options for analytic databases and data warehouses (2022)
The data warehouse market has been around for over three decades, but has undergone some rapid change in the last few years.
Enterprise Server 3.0
Interest in cost-effectively modernising and exploiting Enterprise Server 3.0, with AI assistance, is increasing.
The Future of Business… using Enterprise Server 3.0 Services
Enterprise Server 3.0 (or Mainframe) modernisation is relevant, cost-effective and avoids waste. David Norfolk investigates.
Remote working, with Social Teams and personalities - A key to being Mutable in practice
This remote working paper is aimed at managers and team members of the effective, resilient, teams needed to manage business continuity in the “new normal”.
Data Assurance
This report is about assuring the quality and provenance of your data from both internal and external perspectives.
Graph Database Market Update 2019
This is the third Market Update into the graph database market, considering and comparing both property graph and RDF databases.
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
Predictive analytics refers to the ability to predict events before they occur, allowing you to take remedial action in advance. Prescriptive analytics extends this concept by either suggesting the actions you should take or automating those actions.
Comparative costs and uses for Data Integration Platforms 4th Edition
The 4th Edition of our research into the uses and costs of data integration tools.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
How does ML/AI work, who are the vendors and why you should care?
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Cosmos DB is a distributed multi-model database that is provided as a service. It supports key-value, column store, document and property graphs.
Streaming Analytics 2016
Streaming analytics enables businesses to respond appropriately and in real-time to context-aware insights delivered from fast data.
SAM Networking
Licensing: what to do about it
Accessible documents - choosing a format for creation, distribution and consumption
Describes the issues around accessible documents, the available formats and recommends epub as the most flexible solution
Identity & Access Management Services
This document provides a snapshot of the current state of the market for identity and access management services.
Why you should license Excel 2013: and it’s not because of the BI
The most important thing about Excel 2013 is the governance and its going to put a number of third party companies and products under a lot of pressure
Creation of Accessible Documents
This paper concentrates on the creation of accessible PDF files from word processing and desktop publishing systems.