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Mage Data

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Analyst Coverage: and

Mage Data (formerly MENTIS) is a technology company specialising in data privacy and application security. The company was founded more than a decade ago and released its first product in 2004. Mage Data has its headquarters in New York and also has offices in India and the Dominican Republic. It has more than 50 employees, and is partnered with a variety of global systems integrators, regional resellers, and product and technology OEMs.

Prior to 2017 Mage Data had bootstrapped itself and relied entirely on generated revenues. However, in 2017 the company went through a pre-series A round of VC funding. In addition to this, the company started to expand outside of the United States and Canada, gaining some significant customer wins in Europe.

MAGE logo

Company Info

Headquarters: 3 Columbus Circle, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10019, USA
Telephone: +1 212 203 4365


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