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BMC Compuware

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BMC is a software vendor that offers solutions in a number of areas, including business automation, AI, security, service management, cloud computing, the mainframe, and more. It was founded in 1980, and is headquartered in Houston, Texas, though it has a global presence that stretches across North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

BMC acquired Compuware, now a BMC company, in 2021. This has led to the creation of the BMC Compuware suite of tools, based largely on Compuware’s pre-existing product set but now integrated with and building off of BMC technology, particularly the company’s AMI DevOps offerings. This product line carries forward Compuware’s long-standing vision of modernising and mainstreaming the mainframe.

BMC logo

Company Info

Headquarters: 2103 CityWest Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77042
Telephone: +1 (800) 793-4262


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