The Holloway Angle contains short pieces of news, analysis and opinions on Process (including applications such as ERP, PLM and SCM) and Sensory devices (RFID). Some of this will not be completely thought out but instead I hope you will add value to my off-the-wall thoughts. It won’t always be regular but please feel free to contribute to the debate. May the ping be with you!
I spotted an article in the RFID Journal on January 29th 2014 by Claire Swedberg that caught my eye.
Announced in November 2013, QPR has released QPR Suite 2014, including QPR EnterpriseArchitect, QPR ProcessDesigner, QPR Metrics and QPR ProcessAnalyzer.
OpenRules Inc. announced on December 10th the release of a new version (6.2.6) of their open source rules engine - OpenRules.
Access Technology Group has widened its manufacturing customer base with the purchase of FactoryMaster's largest reseller CompeteIT.
Checkpoints Systems Inc has announced the release of Overhead 2.0. an RFID-based EAS.
QPR Software announced on November 14th 2013 that it will start distributing the new 2014 version of QPR Suite on January 8th 2014
RF Code has announced an asset-management software application for iPads, tablets and smartphones.
Access Group has announced the launch of a new dedicated division specifically focused on the not-for-profit (NFP) sector.
Bizagi have announced a new version (2.5) of their freeware process modelling tool that incorporates simulation capabilities. The simulation capabilities have been provided through collaboration between Bizagi and Lanner.
Active Endpoints has been acquired by Informatica. The news was buried in a press release announcing Informatica’s latest cloud-based product which is dated February 20, 2013. It’s not immediately clear when the acquisition happened.