The Holloway Angle contains short pieces of news, analysis and opinions on Process (including applications such as ERP, PLM and SCM) and Sensory devices (RFID). Some of this will not be completely thought out but instead I hope you will add value to my off-the-wall thoughts. It won’t always be regular but please feel free to contribute to the debate. May the ping be with you!
This week in Los Angles, Sage is hosting a North America-wide conversation about the success and challenges of small and mid-sized businesses they face.
More Impressive figures from Bizagi
Access Group announced on July 7th that they were setting up a new division of the company to cover the Health and Social Care arena.
Today's release is particularly significant as 90% of improvements came as a direct result of their 150,000-strong user community.
Yesterday, Virgin Media sent an email to all their "" email customers concerning the use this address type to log-in to any Google services.
A headline in PCWorld in October 2013 caught my eye; it read "Intellinote brings social note-taking to business." This rather intrigued me.
QPR have announced the release of their new version of QPR EAXpress
On March 18th, Everware-CBDI announced today the commercial availability of the Agile Service Factory (ASF).
Bizago have just release some blogs about the ROI achieved by some of their customers which make very good reading.
QPR Software and Tieto, the largest Nordic IT services company, have signed a cooperation agreement.