The accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability. Accessibility covers making all of ICT easier to use by people with disabilities and challenges and how to make peoples lives easier by the use of ICT. Deeper examination of product and supplier matters appear in Peter  Abrahams publications and articles for Bloor Research.

iPod Nano accessible and more usable

In May 2006 I wrote an article complaining about the lack of accessibility features in the iPod. I have been talking to Apple recently about accessibility across the product line and lo and behold...

Accessible website navigation pt3

Being able to navigate around a web site easily is important to all users but for people with disabilities getting to the required information with the minimum number of clicks can be critical to the usability. Part 3.

Accessible website navigation pt2

Being able to navigate around a web site easily is important to all users but for people with disabilities getting to the required information with the minimum number of clicks can be critical to the usability. Part 2

Accurate test data

Traditional approaches to test data involve sampling (and then masking) from your existing data. However, there are advantages to generating the data from scratch.

Accessible website navigation pt1

Being able to navigate around a web site easily is important to all users but for people with disabilities getting to the required information with the minimum number of clicks can be critical to the usability.

Standards must be accessible

Documents produced by standards bodies such as BSi, in the UK, and CEN in Europe are normally not accessible. Can there be any excuse and when will this change?