The accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability. Accessibility covers making all of ICT easier to use by people with disabilities and challenges and how to make peoples lives easier by the use of ICT. Deeper examination of product and supplier matters appear in Peter  Abrahams publications and articles for Bloor Research.

HP DRAGON – Smaug or Y Ddraig Goch?

HP Data Retention and Guardian Online (HP DRAGON) is a solution primarily aimed at fulfilling the needs of the EU Data Retention Directive (EU DRD), as well as similar communications data retention...

Analytic Warehousing

We have just published our latest report into analytic warehousing. We've called it that because we are interested in environments where there is at least a significant analytic requirement that is...

Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Release 2 of the Oracle Database 11g is now generally available on Linux and will be for Windows, UNIX and other platforms in due course. As one might expect there is a lot in it, so I'll pick some...


The Madison was, of course, a dance. And it's where all those bridges are. But it's also the codename that Microsoft is using for its development of the technology it acquired when it bought...

Surfing in Hawaii

Kalido has announced the Kalido KONA Information Appliance. Of course, as you will know, Kona is the word for capital in Hawaiian and, since the appliance is based on the Netezza TwinFin, the...

Going to the Xtreme

I recently discussed XtremeData's DBx appliance. I now have more details. As I mentioned before it is based on PostgreSQL but only the front-end of that has been retained while the back-end has...

Data governance and risk

I am going to make a radical suggestion. I am going to suggest that far from having a data governance council or some other body that oversees a corporate data governance structure that this...

The Ingres VectorWise project

In case you missed it, Ingres and VectorWise recently announced that they would be bringing a joint offering to the data warehousing market next year. The various press and other commentary on this...