The accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability. Accessibility covers making all of ICT easier to use by people with disabilities and challenges and how to make peoples lives easier by the use of ICT. Deeper examination of product and supplier matters appear in Peter Abrahams publications and articles for Bloor Research.
Transport for London is partnering with OneVoice to promote a competition to improve the variety of accessible apps providing real time travel information in London.
I take a look at Pervasive's DataRush, potentially the most disruptive idea in analytics since Bill Inmon told us to build data warehouses.
Could you use a graph database for matching? Yes, almost certainly. And, if so, how would that compete with data quality tools?
Service virtualisation can improve the agility of the business automation process as well as make testing easier. If, that is, it is managed appropriately.
Actuate's ActuateOne commercial BI platform and product suite, and the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) open source project, comes of age with the addition of advanced analytics.
Eye tracking for smartphones and tablets using built-in camera
Do you have products, services or volunteers that help people get online and use IT? Apply for the T4G Award.
External testing consultancies are useful, but you can't outsource your responsibilities and there are some questions you should ask.
A look at how analytics can extend the capability of an already comprehensive operational management tool
New design creates a faster sleeker machine with several accessibility benefits built-in.