The accessibility blog contains short pieces of news and thoughts on accessibility and usability. Accessibility covers making all of ICT easier to use by people with disabilities and challenges and how to make peoples lives easier by the use of ICT. Deeper examination of product and supplier matters appear in Peter Abrahams publications and articles for Bloor Research.
Just when you've found a second company offering synthetic test data generation another one comes along.
The graph database and graph analytics market is increasingly complex and diverse
You might think that SPARQL will equate in the graph world to SQL in the relational world, but it probably won't
What does the CDO do? What should he/she be doing? What is the relationship with governance, compliance and security?
Data profiling can be used for more things than just supporting data quality
The latest release of Teradata Aster has some interesting graph capabilities
Bulk Synchronous Parallel is a clustered low-cost solution (a la Hadoop) being adopted for graph databases and graph analytics
Nominum, best known for their domain server expertise, apply analytics to their operational data to add potential business value to service providers
Entota, the (SAP) data migration specialist has been acquired by BackOffice Associates.
Guavus are a relatively new analytic vendor specializing in the Telecoms market, and with a very focused approach.