Collibra postpones virtual conference; donates $10,000 to Equal Justice Initiative
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In the wake of recent, worldwide protests in response to the systemic and abominable racism of the US police force (sparked by the murder of George Floyd), Collibra have postponed their latest virtual conference, Data Citizens ’20. In a frankly commendable email attributed to their CEO, they announced the postponement mere hours before the conference was set to kick off. They also made their reasons for doing so clear: they don’t want to force registrants to choose between attending their conference and making a stand against racism. On top of that, in the same email they pledged to donate $10,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative, an American charity that campaigns for racial and criminal justice. In fact, their email hints at even further action, but I can’t do more than speculate on the specifics. What I can do is offer my heartfelt kudos to Collibra, both for their actions and for the anti-racist sentiment expressed in their email. As a private company, they are in the position of being able to put humanity ahead of profit, and I, for one, am extremely glad to see them do so.